2011 Scorecard: Snapshot of the Numbers

Scorecard 2011 2010
Average of all Assemblymembers 67% 64%
Average Assembly Democrat Score 92% 94%
Average Assembly Republican Score 19% 7%
Perfect 100s      
(Allen, Ammiano, Butler, Cedillo, Davis, Feuer, Fong, Gordon, Hayashi, B. Lowenthal, Monning, Skinner, Swanson, Yamada)
14 30
Average of all Senators 61% 59%
Average Senate Democrat Score 86% 91%
Average Senate Republican Score 18% 6%
Perfect 100s      
(Corbett, DeSaulnier, Evans, Kehoe, Liu, Steinberg)
6 12
Governor 83%

Historical Averages

Average Assembly Scores
  1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011
Assembly Democrats 78 94 85 98 86 94 92
Assembly Republicans 23 24 21 16 4 7 19
Average Senate Scores
  1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011
Senate Democrats 72 84 76 98 91 91 86
Senate Republicans 47 34 14 11 5 6 18
Governors' Lifetime Scores since 1975
  1983-90 1991-98 1999-2003 2004-10 1975-82, 2011
Score 46 33 82 53 86
Governor  Deukmejian  Wilson  Davis  Schwarzenegger Brown

Californians’ Approval Ratings1

President Obama: 51% favorable (52% in 2010)

Congress: 27% favorable (26% in 2010)

Governor Brown: 41% favorable (Governor Schwarzenegger: 28% in 2010)

State Legislature: 26% favorable (16% in 2010)

Californians’ Opinions on the Environment2

84% want automakers to improve fuel efficiency significantly.

80% favor an increase in federal funding for the development of renewable energy sources.

79% support regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from sources like power plants, cars, and factories.

75% say global warming is a very or somewhat serious threat to California’s future economy and quality of life.

65% oppose building more nuclear power plants.

61% believe the effects of global warming have already begun (compared to 49% of Americans nationwide).

49% oppose an increase in offshore oil drilling in the state.

1 September 2011 poll “Californians and their Government,” Public Policy Institute of California

2 July 2011 poll “Californians and the Environment,” Public Policy Institute of California


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2018 California Environmental Scorecard

New for the 2018 legislative session: The 45th annual California Environmental Scorecard rates elected officials on 2018, another successful year for the environment in spite of heavy opposition from polluting industry.

Find out how your legislators did in 2018 in CLCV's California Environmental Scorecard.